ZPS - GENERÁLNÍ OPRAVY, a.s. general overhaul of multispindle machines, repairs and modernization

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Main targets of repairs and overhauls

The production

Range of Overhauls

For every overhauled machine we guarantee machining accuracy like for a new machine.
The range of the overhauls is as follows :

- full disassembly of the machine
- full cleaning out of the machine and of all its components
- inspection and check of all components for wear
- replacement of all bearings, pins and bushes

- repair of spindles and replacement of all spindle bearings
- assembly and adjustment of spindles
- measurement of spindles run accuracy and adjustment of clearences in bearings
- regrinding and lapping of the central shaft, replacement of bushes in the central slide and its fitting with the central shaft

- check for wear
- grinding, scraping of all guiding areas
- repair or replacement of all gib strips at slides
- slides assembly and adjsutment of clearences
- check for accuracy

Next machine areas
- complete inner and outer painting
- complete modernization or repair of hydraulics circuit
- complete modernization or repair of lubrication circuit
- accuracy tests
- complete safety according CE norms

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