ZPS - GENERÁLNÍ OPRAVY, a.s. general overhaul of multispindle machines, repairs and modernization

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Business Associate world machine tool producers

Our first-line customers:

TAJMAC-MTM - The TAJMAC group is a world supplier of new also rebuilt multi-spindle lathes. The group was formed by TAJMAC-MTM (Italy, www.tajmac-mtm.it), TAJMAC-ZPS (Czech Republic, www.tajmac-zps.cz), WICKMAN COVENTRY (England, www.wickma.co.uk), TAJMAC-MSW (Germany), MONEO (France, www.moneo.fr) and others. ZPS-GO rebuilt for this group machines from many world producers like WICKMAN, GILDEMEISTER, ZPS, SCHÜTTE, TORNOS, INDEX and others.

INA – Company INA is a worldwide produser of bearings for auto and machine industry . ZPS-GO rebuilt for INA machines SCHUTTE.



FAG – German company FAG is further big bearings producer. ZPS-GO produces and mount for FAG hones, grinding machines, spindels and other.


ŠKODA – Greatest Czech auto producer ŠKODA uses in ZPS-GO update multispindle machines from production of ZPS.


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